Sunday 7 October 2012


A. Problem Background Each country's education system is different with the emphasis on a particular variable in education. Variable contained on the objectives to be achieved both long and short term. So that will provide direction for the country to create the human form of the State and they want based on their human resource plans based on the educational system. The author tries to compare the two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia in the hope of eventually writers will know what things to consider when it will determine a system of education. This is in line with the opinion of Kendall and Nicholas Hanc quoted Nur (2002:4) who explains that the purpose of comparative education is to learn the principles of what really underlies the development of the national education system settings. Education in Malaysia is monitored by the Ministry of Education Government of the Guild. The majority of Malaysian children start school at the age of three to six years in kindergarten. Most of the kindergarten is run privately, but there is little kindergarten-run government. Children start school at age seven basis for six years to advance. There are two main types of primary schools run or aided the government. Native-language schools (School of type Nat) using Chinese or Tamil as the language of instruction. Before proceeding to the stage of secondary education, students in grade 6 are required to follow the Primary School Achievement Test (Lower School Achievement Test, UPSR). A program called Assessment Phase One, the PTS is used to measure the ability of the students are intelligent, and enabled them up from class 3 to class 5, skip class 4. [84] However, the program was abolished in 2001. Two-stage education in Malaysia held in the National High School (equivalent to junior high school in Indonesia +) for five years. Secondary School Nationality using Bahasa Malaysia as the language of instruction. Special subjects of Mathematics and Science are also non-Malay language, is valid from the year 2003, and before that all non-language subjects taught in Bahasa Malaysia. At the end of Form Three, the third grade, students are tested in the Lower Secondary Assessment, PMR. In the second stage of the fifth grade education (Form Five), students take exams Malaysia Education Diploma (Lessons Sijil Malaysia, SPM), which is equivalent to the former British Ordinary on stage 'O'. The oldest school in Malaysia is Penang Free School, is also the oldest school in South East Asia. Two stages of national education Malaysia is divided into several types, namely the National Secondary School (National School), Religious Secondary School (High School of Religion), National-Type Secondary School (Secondary School Nationality type) is also called the Mission School (Da'wah) , Technical School (School of Engineering), full boarding school, and the MARA Junior Science College (Maktab MARA Low Science). There are also 60 Chinese Independent High School in Malaysia, most of them Chinese-language instruction. Chinese Independent High School monitored and standardized by the United Chinese School Committees' Association of Malaysia (UCSCAM, more commonly known in Chinese, Dong Zong 董 总), but, unlike government schools, every independent school is free to determine the decision. Studying in independent schools takes 6 years to graduate, divided into the Junior Stage (3 years) and Senior Phase (3 years). Students will follow a standardized test conducted by UCSCAM, known as the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) (Joint Test Certificates) in Junior Middle 3 (equivalent to Lower Secondary Assessment) and Senior Middle 3 (equivalent to stage A). A number of independent schools conduct classes in English language in addition to Malaysia and Chinese language, allowing students to follow the Lower Secondary Assessment and Lessons Sijil Malaysia as well. Before the introduction of matriculation system, students who want to enter a public university must complete 18 months of additional secondary school in Form Six (class 6) and follow the High Sijil Malaysia schooling, STPM; the equivalent stage of British Advanced or 'A'. Due to the introduction of the matriculation program as an alternative to STPM in 1999, students who completed 12-month program in college matriculation (College matriculation in the language of Malaysia) may register at the local university. But, at the matriculation system, only 10% of seats are available for students of non-Bumiputra and the rest for Bumiputra students. There is a public university like the University of Malaya, University of Science Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia University of Technology Malaysia, University Technology Mara and University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Private universities are also getting quite a reputation for quality education and a lot of international students from around the world are interested in entering the universities. For example, Multimedia University, University Technology Petronas, and others. In addition, four international reputable universities have opened branch campuses in Malaysia since 1998. A branch campus can be seen as 'off-shore campus' of foreign universities, which give a lecture and award the same as the main campus. Students locally and internationally to achieve these identical foreign qualifications in Malaysia with low cost. Branch campuses of foreign universities in Malaysia are: Monash University Malaysia Campus, Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus and University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Students also have the option to enroll in private tertiary institutions after completing secondary education. Most of the institutions that link education with universities overseas such as in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia, allowing students to spend a period of lecture with overseas qualifications. One example is the Segi College is partnering with the University of Abertay Dundee. [85] Malaysian Students studying outside the country such as Indonesia, the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Japan and countries in the Middle East such as Jordan and Egypt. There is also the Malaysian students in some universities in South Korea, Germany, France, China, Ireland, India, Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic. In addition to the National Curriculum Malaysia, Malaysia has an international school. International schools offer students the opportunity to study the curricula of other countries. These schools opened primarily due to increased population of expatriates in the country. International Sekolat including: School Indonesia (Indonesia curriculum), Australian International School, Malaysia (Australian curriculum), Alice Smith School (British curriculum), ELC International School (British curriculum), Garden International School (British curriculum), Lodge International School (curriculum Britain), International School of Kuala Lumpur (American curriculum and International Baccalaureate), Japanese School of Kuala Lumpur (Japanese Curriculum), The Chinese Taipei School, Kuala Lumpur and The Chinese Taipei School, Penang (Curriculum Chinese-Taipei), International School of Penang (British Curriculum and International Baccalaureate), Lycée Français de Kuala Lumpur (French Curriculum), and others. B. Comparison of the education system in Indonesia and Malaysia The education system in both countries have differences between the education level with one another, so hopefully after we see the difference in both comparisons of this country in a balanced and proportionate to the end of this paper we can learn new things that might be adapted into the education system in Indonesia. Before comparing the educational system in the State of Malaysia, the authors will describe first the education system in Indonesia. A. Indonesia's education system The national education system of Indonesia consists of three types of education, namely: a. Prioritize public education expansion and improvement of general knowledge skills of students. Education specialization is required in class 12. b. Prepare the vocational education students in vocational skills that prepare the required number of workers. c. Special needs education provides the skills and abilities essential for students with physical and mental limitations d. Education service which aims to improve the ability dibutukan as preparation for prospective civil servants and non-departmental pemerintahtan department. e. Religious education to prepare students for a role that requires specialized knowledge of religion and related subjects. f. Academic-oriented education that focuses on improving the mastery of science g. Professional education specialization prepares students to master the job-related knowledge and skills. 2. Study of Education Formal education system consists of several levels pendidian, namely primary, secondary and higher education. Pre-school education is also included in the national education system of Indonesia. Pre-school education Pre-school education aims at stimulating physical and mental growth of students outside the family before entering primary school education. Purpose of pre-school education is to provide basic growth and development of attitudes, knowledge, skills, skills and initiative. Penddikan types of existing pre-school is kindergarten and play group. Kindergarten is part of basic education while playing outside the schooling system. Pre-school education provided to children from age 4 to 6 years who have the education of one or two years of education, while the play was followed by children aged three years dibawh. Primary education Primary education is the basis of nine-year education, which consists of a six-year basic school and three years of middle school. The goal of basic education is to give students a basic ketermapilan to develop themselves sebgai individuals, community members, citizens and members of the living creatures, Even so to continue their studies in secondary school. Elementary school (SD) conducting a six-tahun.hal education program consists of two different types of education, the public primary schools and primary schools for children with disabilities. (SDLB) Secondary school education program lasts for three years after eman-year basic education. As in grade school, high school's first junior high school made up of public and secondary schools for children with disabilities first. (SMPLB). There was also a primary school conducted by the ministry of Islamic religion. Primary basis of Islam (Islamic elementary schools or MI) at the elementary school (SD), and the first Islamic school (Madrasah tsanawiyah or MTs) with the same high school (SMP). Primary school curriculum consists of Pancasila, religion, citizenship education, Indoneisa language, reading and writing, mathematics, arithmetic, science and technology, geography, national and world history, handicrafts and arts, education, physical health, drawing, English and local charge. All these subjects were not names, but only the term in terms of personality and learning membebtuk elements that are taught and improved skills through basic education. Secondary Education This type of secondary education is a public high school, vocational high schools, religious schools, schools menegha service. Public high schools give priority to expanding knowledge and developing skills of students and prepare them to continue to continue their dtusi to higher education. Vocational high school education gives priority to expanding job skills and press on the preparation of students to enter the workforce and expand professional attitude. Religious education schools give priority to the mastery of specialized knowledge keagamaam. High school education that emphasizes service to the improvement in the ability to carry out the civil service or civil service candidates. High school special education and dirancag intended for students who have physical and mental limitations (see table 1) In Indonesia every level of education should be through national exams kejenjang what if you want to continue further. Similarly, when it will go on to college the student must follow a centralized SNCA. 2. Malaysian Education System Education in Malaysia as a whole under the law of the ministries of education, the responsible care of the education system from primary level to university, set the syllabus, control and oversee the development of a national exam education. Basic education in Malaysia last for six years. Education is intended to provide basic education for students to master the competencies of reading, and arithmetic menul1s. At the end of the school year students will be tested is called the Lower School Assessment Test / The Primary School Assessment Test (UPSR / PSAT). Regardless of their performance on the PSAT, all primary school students was raised to form one. Secondary school education is a continuation of the basic education level. Syllabus, curriculum Bersepaduan Middle School / Secondary School Integrated Curriculum (KBSM / SSIC) was developed to suit the needs and aspirations of the State. Secondary education is divided into three main levels: lower secondary level, upper secondary level and the level of pre Universiti. Lower secondary education in Malaysia prepares students to develop skills needed in life and can become a useful citizen of the State. After completing the third year, students are required to follow the national assessment test, assessment Medium Low / Lower Secondary Assessment (PMR / LSA). Student performance on the PMR / LSA will determine their academic majors to upper secondary level, ie whether to dijurusan science, art, engineering or vocational. The selection of students and academic departments at upper secondary level will be determined by kemetrian Education. At the end the two-year education in upper level education, students will be tested by the national exam required, Sijil Lesson Malaysia / Malaysia Certificate of Examination (SPN / MCE) or Sijil Vocational Studies Malaysia / Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SPM / Vince), if students choose vocational majors. Certificate of SPM / MCE / SPMV / Vince with O-level Cambridge University Examinations. Students in vocational majors will study vocational subjects related to other areas of study that is identical to another public school syllabus. They are required to follow Peperiksaan Sijil Pelajajran Malaysia Vocational (SPMV) at the end of the second academic year. For students who have good results could continue their studies to the local institutions of higher education or directly enter the job market. Kursurs Skills Training (Skills Training Course) is an additional program. Students will go through skills training program thus enabling them to follow the National Vocational Training Peperiksaan Asa Majilis (MLVK) at the end of a two-year educational program. They will then join the labor market or through top-level skills training (advance skills training) certain diwalau. Vocational training for youth is important for national development. In addition there is education kemetrian other ministries, public or private agencies involved in vocational training for young people to fill employment needs indrustri. In the pre-Universita education programs are classified into two groups, A Level and matriculation courses. Who entered the program is based on performance results (SPM / SPMV). For A Level courses, majoring in education is the art, science and engineering. Students will be required to follow the Higher Learning Malaysia Sijil Examination (STPM), which is regulated by the Malaysian Examination Council and accredited by the University of Cambridge Local examination of England Syndicate (UCLES). Qualifications are regulated by many universities in the world. Matriculation study program arranged mahasiswa candidate in a local university. This is a one-year academic foundation program, monitored by the host university and learning conducted in each public school or private

C. Conclusion Based on the descriptions that have uraiankan author, then the conclusion can be drawn are as follows: Each state's education system is very different. In Indonesia does not apply to automatic transision every level of education for each level of education required to sit the National Examination before proceeding to the next level. For example, junior high school students should follow the UN before going to high school. This is contrary to the education system in Malaysia in which the PSAT results are not decisive because every child must continue to form one. Malaysia has a preparation to enter college, called the A Level and matriculation study program. While in Indonesia the student / students who would go on to college must follow the SNCA. 

-pipit taufik hidayat-

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